Thursday, May 31, 2012

May Wrap Up

After the fourteen week challenge, I took a bit of a break from blogging, but not from working out! I managed to catch a bit of a cold after the final week of the transformation, but a week later I had recovered.

So what have I been doing the past month???

On May 5th, I completed my first 5K race since 2010 and it was my fastest 5K ever!!! The Ironheart 5K was a nice loop around Rollins Park/Concord area and I ran that with some of my crossfit friends. Then, on May 20th, I PRed on my second 5K of the season; I am convinced that I can do better if I sign up for another race this year.

May also was the first month I got out on the road bike and my legs were so much stronger than last year. My first ride up Oak Hill was much easier than last year. I am lighter and stronger which is a great combination on a road bike!

Also, I continue to work on my frequency pushups and chin ups. This week I hit 5 sets of 22 which will be 660 pushups for the week. On a good day, I can now do 4 chin ups in a row and I hope to continue to build that number.

In weightlifting, I did my first one rep max for my deadlifts @ 210lbs, so that was exciting! I want to continue to push the limits on that lift, but also work on improving my squats, and press.

Our wedding planning continues to move along slowly, but as with previous months, the working out piece seems to be the easiest part of wedding preparations!!!

I've added 21 bricks to my goal of 150 perfect bricks, so I am now at 105 bricks. Only 45 to go! If I do reach the 150 perfect bricks before September, I'll probably try to stick with that through the wedding though as a safety measure :) In June, I want to work more on making all of my morning cardio sessions--I relaxed a tiny bit on those in May and I noticed I was less energetic throughout the day. Waking up with energy is the best way to start the day!

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