Saturday, January 17, 2015

2015: No Excuses!

Indeed, this is the year where I need to be able to say "no excuses." I was psyched to see this hashtag for SweatPink as I needed an easy go to reason for sticking to my eating and workout plan. is 2015 going compared to last year? While we are only 17 days into the month, I feel that I am in a strong place physically and mentally. The Whole 30 was exactly what I needed to get my eating habits under control. Today is my 16th day and I think I am experiencing the mystical "Tiger Blood." My energy is very high, my sleep patterns are incredible, and I have no abdominal distress (for a person with lactose intolerance and perpetual acid reflux this is pretty awesome!). I have been cooking and prepping like a madwoman on the weekends in order to accomplish my regular weekly tasks. Here are just a few pics of what's been cooking in the Beaudoin household.

I have spent a lot of time in our kitchen, which inspired me to complete a 365 day declutter challenge through Home Storage Solutions. By tackling short 15 minute projects, my kitchen is taking on a more useful and functional purpose. I'll admit the kitchen is the room I felt least concerned about, but found plenty of ways to improve it.

Improved kitchen "junk drawers"
Additionally, my exercise routine is working out in a way that suits my schedule and interests. After taking four months off from crossfit due to my knee injury, I followed my coach to his new gym Crossfit IronBorn. I had struggled a bit with the decision to leave behind some friends and workout buddies, but Jon knows how to motivate me. The one-on-one coaching I receive from him each workout pushes me to exceed any workout expectations I had for the day. Even if I struggle with certain movements, I still leave each day feeling stronger. We have a tight knit and supportive community at the gym. I cannot say enough about how I have benefited from my coach. I try to get to 2-3 sessions per week and do need to make a conscious effort to make it 3 consistently.

Besides the strength training component, I have been religious about my morning cardio this month. Since January 2nd, I've been waking up and getting in some type of 40 minute fasted cardio routine. These workouts consist of treadmill walking/jogging, elliptical, rowing, and stationary bike. It is the optimal way to burn some calories and set the tone for the day. There were a few sessions where I wanted to go back to bed, but I pushed through the lethargy and completed the task. As a result, I've banked 16 perfect bricks in 2015. In case you were wondering, my brick this year consists of a day of clean eating, frequency push ups, and morning fasted cardio.

Finally, the running...I am still on the fence about my running. I've been doing a basic Couch to 5K training plan this month and I've noticed some soreness/tenderness after anything beyond 20 minutes. I'm going back and forth about signing up for a triathlon. My good friend Melissa suggested an Aqua Bike race which could be a good compromise for this year. We will see. I am still hopeful that with strength training, mobility, and stretching my running days will continue. However, I know that being able to exercise in some capacity certainly beats physical therapy and rehab.


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