Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 2016—Candid Reflections From My 2nd Trimester

I knew 2016 was going to be a bit different in terms of my health/wellness goals. 150 bricks is just not something I can do right now (maybe post-baby if it will fit in). This year is about trying to stay fit, make as many good food choices as possible, while still focusing on a healthy pregnancy.

As it turns out, working out is usually when I feel my best. It is perhaps the distraction or movement, but whatever it is I am grateful for my time at the gym. When I sit for hours at my desk, I notice discomfort. Surprisingly, crossfit is where I feel the best. I scale my workouts a lot; however, the ability to move around, chat with friends, and feel like a person is awesome! I’ve been able to get to those classes about 3 times per week and hope to continue that up through March/April.
At the beginning of January, I did have to give up my spinning classes. It was just not comfortable to sit on the bike anymore and the frequent bathroom breaks don’t fit well into that type of class either. I was definitely bummed, but opted to substitute more elliptical and bought a few prenatal workout DVDs to fill the gap.

I had grand plans of a Whole 30 or paleo reset (and I do hope I can do at least one in 2016), but it is just not going to happen while I am pregnant. I did some meal prep and bought a great new book, but this baby is just not interested. The other part of this is that I really am not motivated to cook a lot right now. I’ve been taking shortcuts wherever I can and probably eating out a bit more than I should.  Target is my new favorite place to shop because I can avoid the crowds and chaos of Market Basket. Yes, I realize this is lazy on my part, but I have so many things to do right now to get ready for the baby that food prep for 5 hours on a Saturday/Sunday is not working out. Maybe when I finish the nursery/stop nesting, then I will find my lost food-prep motivation. Until then, I am trying to get easy prep salads, healthy snacks, and fit in protein whenever possible. I am really good about taking my prenatal, vitamin D, fish oil, probiotic, and magnesium—so I’ve got the vitamin component covered.

Today marked the end of January and the beginning of the third trimester. I must admit I do feel a bit more tired than I had before. I went for a hike in the woods with our friends and the dogs today—it pretty much killed my energy for the rest of the day. Additionally, I feel like I really am getting much bigger in the past two weeks. I have a very short/small torso, so he really has nowhere to go but out! As you will see from my workout log below, I have been dedicated to my workouts. I certainly hope I can continue to this for as long as possible in the third trimester; however, I recognize it may require more adjustments throughout the next 12ish weeks.

Baby Countdown: 2 Months & 23 days to go!

Week 24:
Sunday- Walk w/Penny
Monday- AM Elliptical/Crossfit/ Midday walk w/Penny/ PM Prenatal Yoga
Tuesday- AM Spinning / PM Prenatal Yoga
Wednesday- Prenatal Pilates /Walk w/Penny
Thursday- AM Crossfit / PM Prenatal Yoga
Friday- AM Crossfit/ Walk w/Penny
Saturday- Prenatal Pilates / Elliptical

Week 25:
Sunday- Yoga class
Monday- AM Crossfit / PM Prenatal Yoga
Tuesday- AM Crossfit
Wednesday- Prenatal Pilates
Thursday- Rest/Travel day (California)
Friday- Elliptical @ hotel
Saturday- Elliptical @ hotel / Afternoon walk

Week 26:
Sunday- Elliptical @ hotel
Monday- Prenatal Yoga
Tuesday- AM Crossfit
Wednesday- PM Cardio Mix class
Thursday- AM Crossfit / PM Prenatal Yoga
Friday- AM Crossfit
Saturday- Elliptical/ Prenatal Pilates

Week 27:
Sunday- Prenatal Yoga
Monday- AM Crossfit / PM Prenatal Yoga
Tuesday- AM Crossfit
Wednesday- AM Prenatal Pilates/Yoga / Walk w/Penny/ PM Cardio Mix class
Thursday- Prenatal Yoga
Friday- AM Crossfit

Saturday- Elliptical


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