Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 2--Intensity Increase

To fuel my more intense workouts this week, I turned to Cliff Bars, Hammer Gels, Gu Gels, and Cliff Rocs. So delicious, but yet so powerful! I found that around 2-3PM my energy level plummeted, so these gave me the boost I needed to get through those afternoon/evening workouts

March is not cooperating at all. It is cold and windy--my least favorite conditions for running outside! It also too cold to be on my bike. I've got new tires ready to go, but Mother Nature seems to have other plans. Anyway, I still did everything I needed to do this week (except the one yoga class that I missed), so I'd say it was a pretty good week two.

Workouts this week:

Monday- 60 minute swim
Tuesday- hill runs for GSRT practice
Wednesday- 60 minute swim/pilates class
Thursday- REST
Friday- 4 miles on the treadmill
Saturday- early morning tri swim followed by Mark M's awesome spin class
Sunday- (and this one was miserable but I did it) 8 miles on the treadmill :( Can it please get warmer soon???

Week 3 will start off with a morning swim. Signing off for now :)

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