Monday, June 28, 2010

Virginia Roadtrip

Prior to leaving for a wedding in Etlan, Virginia, I completed a mini triathlon workout on Friday morning. Friday consisted of a 40 minute swim, 20 mile bike ride, and finished with a 15 minute run.

Then, we left around 4 for a long drive to Virginia. We ended up sleeping in Greencastle, Pennsylvania and then finishing the rest of the trip on Saturday. Saturday was the Nate & Kara's wedding. The ceremony had a beautiful view of the Shenendoah Mountains.

Sunday, I woke up in time for the sunrise (that is the picture above) and then went for a 5 mile run. I had the chance to see the lovely farms/rolling hills of Etlan in a way that I would not have seen them just driving.

Today, it was back to the pool for a 60 minute swim workout. I cranked out 10 X 200s and did 46 laps total for the swim. Then tonight I met Crystal at the gym for a little elliptical and some weight lifting. I am feeling strong and ready for the Blackfly!

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