Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Speed Play

Frequently, I put stars or stickers on excellent student work. I feel that tonight I earned my own star for sticking to my run workout even though it was dark outside and I was tired from a long workshop day. I did a mixed easy, steady, fast workout also known as fartlek.

"Derived from the Swedish term that means ‘Speed Play’, fartlek can provide an excellent endurance and strength session, as well as help improve your speed and race awareness. Fart=speed and lek=play

The use of 'fartlek' came about to provide a less structured approach to that of interval training. Its origins and use were developed in the 1930's. Whereas, in interval training the structure prescribes a given distance run in a given time with a given rest, fartlek's approach is to have you run at a given time, 2 minutes for example over undulating terrain or flat wherever your run may take you. The effort prescribed can be at 10k race pace to whatever speed you wish to make your effort. The rest in-between is normally at an easy pace to allow recovery before the next effort.

The intensity, duration and terrain is determined by the runner. Fartlek can be used on all terrains, even on a track surface."

So after my three mile run, I am going to sleep well knowing that I've put in my all for the day!


  1. Oh I wish I was had just a fraction of your enthusiasm right now but I'm not there yet. Good new is I've managed to do all my workouts. Maybe not when I was supposed to but at the end of the week, they are all checked off :)

  2. I always wondered why they were called fartleks ( or fart-licks as I would have spelled them before reading your blog).

  3. Ha ha! I know, it is such a horrible word!
