Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nap, Swim, & Spin

Today I completed my workout in the afternoon following school. However, a little cat nap was necessary to get through the workout. After a brief period of relaxation, I completed a 30 minute steady swim followed by an easy 45 minute spinning/stationary bike routine.
During the swim, I recalled my experiences in 8th grade Phys Ed. class. I was an overweight, out-of-shape teen who could not stand swimming in gym class! The 20-minute swim was my own personal hell due to exercise induced asthma (aka out of shape and couldn't breathe) and my embarrassment from wearing a bathing suit. In contrast, today I loved being in the pool! I glided along with strong form and alternating breathing. It is wonderful to feel the accomplishment of coming so far and to know that I am in better shape at age 28 than I was at 13!

Swimming Etiquette Tip: If you are finished swimming, it is not polite to stand in a cluster with other swimmers still trying to complete their workout! I actually had to ask a group of people today if they were going to start swimming or get out of the pool because I could not reach the end of the lane to push off. Arghhh.

1 comment:

  1. Some pool people are so rude. How lucky for you that you had a pool in your school. Wow!
